Dream Comes True 

If you were lost in your dreams and didn't have anything to live tomorrow with...

Then think about how you let yourself be defeated.

Every one of us should have dreams about our life because that's what drives us to do better in the journey.

Living the next day without a dream is like Travelling to a new place without a map. 

If you have a dream, hope, hard work and consistency altogether, it seems enough to succeed.

It's hard to taste victory, but when we achieve it, none of the feelings could be like that. It's a pinnacle.

So let's cover the broad aspects of those four ultimate elements of success—Dream, Hope, Hard Work and Consistency.

• What is a dream?: 

Apart from the dream that exits while we sleep, It's an imaginary vision of our future movements that we want to experience in reality.

Such as the imagination of going to a favorite place, being in a particular profession, building own home, and so on.

• How dreams will be real?:

In the previous issue “Time Is Precious”, We talked about the accomplishment of dreams within a limited lifetime.

Before the attainment, we must have believed that we could change the imagination into action (dream into reality).

We all have many differences between us; Both physical and mental. 

But the acme of truth is, we all have been born in the same way, we all breathe the same oxygen, and we all live on the same earth.

Simply we are all Humans, everyone in this world has equal significance (value) but differently. 

One of all the seven billion people has unique lifestyles and individual purposes. 

Primarily, Differences exist when we compare ourselves with one factor with each other.

For example, I am too bad at sports while my friend is a master at many games. And he used to say that he can't draw anything better when I sketch nicely from his point of view.

These imply that while comparing one factor (sport/art) we can see the difference between me and my friend.

Is this going to pull us back from success? No. He’ll succeed in sports. I’ll succeed in the arts. That's the point. 

And it's even applicable for the same factor too. How? 

For example, If you are dreaming to be a scientist while your pal also dreaming to be, then he bought more achievements in scientific analyses and more being successful than you.

Is it worth worrying about your career? Absolutely No. Because only through your effort, you can succeed; only through your effort, you can make money; and only through your effort, you can survive.

The difference never pulls you back from conquest but not dreaming and not going towards that only determines your failure.

The people around you are successful because they move ahead in their life to obtain their dreams.

So the conclusion is, your life depends on you; your success depends on you. No one could interfere in yours and you'll not interfere in others. 

You have to understand this first.

Why I am telling all of these which is apparently out of the topic, is to enumerate your uniqueness.

Often we seek another man’s achievements to improve ourselves. But that's not a good way, we can buy inspiration from them, but respect to your dreams, you have a unique identity—way of achieving—at no cost. 

Realization leads to action and sparks our beliefs that dreams will be real.

• How hope gives success?:

Only hope can accelerate our efforts toward our dreams. An untouched object can't move likewise unbelieved dreams can’t succeed.

We often didn't trust our trials, we tend not to be failed. We are afraid of that.

Every opportunity is only to show, not always to win.

Count the attempts, not the flop.

If you dream to climb Everest, then don't be afraid of hanging from the height that you ever see.

If you dream to be a doctor, then don't be afraid of huge study burdens and paradoxical tests.

If you dream to be a footballer, then don't be tired of waking up in the early morning for practice.

If you dream to be a web designer, then don't be afraid of sleepless performing nights.

Even though dreams moreover hide the thoughts of negative consequences.

Not only for these, any profession you prefer, you have the mighty bravery that is enough to morph into your dreamy you, despite all the odds. Unless you dream with a negative inspection.

And finally, hope gives you bravery, bravery brings you to do, and doing great gives you success.

• How Hard Work + Consistency formula works?: 

To master any skill with peak productivity, we've to follow these steps: Learn, Practice, Work, and Repeat. 

Learning and Practicing it’s a beginning state where our skills begin to stick together throughout our system.

Once you made it, you just have to docile those practiced activities to improve yourself through colossal hard work.

Let's consider success as a building, first, you have to strategize the plan (Dream & Hope). Then, you have to strengthen the base (Learn & Practice). Finally, you have to construct the edifice (Hard Work & Consistency). 

Even when we learn and practice, we have the same formula to apex the fastness of plodding improvements.

Many of us grant ourselves to learn and practice but are not willing to do it consistently.

And that's why we fail to accomplish many. 

Only dreaming will never let you taste victory. To activate the success mode, we need to do it with huge hard work and to keep doing consistently with robust hope.

(Hard Work + Consistency) = Success / (Hope / Dream)

• How do we fail in dreams?:

List all your dreams, what you want to be, and where you want to go; and put all those dreams on a handy paper with the date of when you wrote. 

And track your daily moves. Otherwise, seeing that paper of unaccomplished dreams might throw you in a state of doing some.

The quote I mentioned above “Count the attempts, not the flop” is the key ideology to face the defeat. 

Achievements and failures both are steps to moving forward, you’ll never go backwards while you lose.

But dropping off hope and being impartial to the mindset of forgetting the dream will definitely lead you to step back.

A trying person never loses. Try to do your core best, even after you failed for millions. 

There is only one who can beat you, and that's you itself.

• Conclusion:

In the beginning, you didn't have anything to live tomorrow with, but now you have everything to live tomorrow with, that’s hope.

Remember that formula? 
Success = Hope / Dream x (Hard Work + Consistency)

Hope is the only multiple to maximize your success. 

If your hope is zero then your success rate will also be zero. If you didn't have any dreams (zero) then your success will be undefined. 

As much as you hope, the probability of you succeeding will increase. 

Yes. Because you are more likely to dream, it only makes you feel better. 

But hope can also change your vision into reality—to make you start learning, to make you start practicing, to make you start hard-working and to make you start being consistent—and retrieve your heart to be diligent after the loss.

Finally, you know how to crystallize your thoughts upon failure in dreams.

We’re living in the famine of unity, so your dreams need to be the fixation of malleable humanity.

Signing off with one of the most adorable sayings, “Live And Let Live”.

Abdul Azeez

BNW Issue #3

BNW Issue #3


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